The film begins with the character of Ferrell, Dr. Rick Marshall, who appears on The Today Show with Matt Lauer. Lauer Marshall thinks is a fraud. It's time to look deformed, for crying out loud. Not only that, but it is discussing with the taxpayers' money. Marshall storms off the set when Lauer brought some scientists who do not necessarily agree with him.
After launching the air tantrum, Marshall is the scientific community laughed. Now he's taking classes at the La Brea Tar pits information to young children. Rather than teach anything worthwhile, which is still giving lessons in time warps. Bobb'e J. Johnson, mouths of the lack of role models for children, makes a cameo here. Its two lines are among the most amusing of the film. He has the opportunity for a professional comedian. It is a pity he is not in this film. But, he shines as he has given.
Enter the beautiful, cheerful Anna Friel (Pushing Daisies), which plays an inquisitive student at Cambridge called Holly Cantrell who is obsessed with the work of Marshall. Anna Friel, sometimes acts as your heart in this film. She has some truly harrowing scenes, but most of them short lame jokes. She has a beautiful accent, and really lights up the screen every time it happens that, as Amy Adams became unbearable for the Night at the Museum 2.
Danny McBride (Tropic Thunder) joins the fray as Holly Marshall journey to the desert in search of a hot spot for Tachyons. These molecules, if properly exploited with the right equipment, to enable a sideways trip through time and space of alternate dimensions. The hot spot that becomes a kind of carnival ride river property character McBride, Redneck was the impromptu Stanton.After Tachyon machine works, the three adventurers were in a strange land full of dinosaurs ingenious, bipedal primates, giant insects, lizards, and people call Sleestaks.
There is not much that after a plot. The film plays more like a bunch of parodies of SNL assembled a tropical unexplored jungle in the background. Some of the scenes and is guaranteed a laugh or two, and only a few planes.
There are some very exquisite designs in the whole movie, as when the three are in an area of land on which random things - ice cream trucks, bridges, motels, even a UFO. It's exciting to see, it is safe.
While Land of the Lost is full of special effects, is really nothing new. As the dinosaurs look like King Kong or Jurassic Park. It is amazing to me how after all this time, the Jurassic Park dinos still argue, but I depart.
Land of the Lost is a real mixture. Ferrell is a favor and against the film. Some of his deadpan humor, as when a giant mosquito is sucking their blood without knowing it, is priceless. But sometimes his humor is a bit grating. Friel is always there to brighten up the place and does its best impersonation Redneck McBride.
The biggest problem with the loss of land is that it sets the bar so high hilarity in the first fifteen minutes (the Today Show stage, and Bobb'e J. Johnson) and then descends slowly less and less funny slapstick comedy.