FILM video DVD

Where from do you know, if it too late for 8 mm to transfer Really 8 and 16mm-films on DVD?

We have the transference 8 mm, Really 8 and 16mm-films for our customers for over 12 years and we have some problems which we believe to note that you should be aware. If you all important home videos which have not transferred yet on DVD or video not yet you are able to do them from and them to control.

We have noted an adequate number of 16 mm of roles come that in a very strong vinegar smell have to them. It is absolutely usual that pass this with 16mm-film in metal tins stored. If you happen this smell from your films Tip, it is in the time, they receive, transfer on DVD or video immediately. In some cases we have found out that it is already too late and the film became friable and had already begun, Kett-and red up to a point that we do not transfer. Do not wait any more for this.

Some of the roles 8 mm we already have, the transference to a point where the colours have grown pale dull or the picture is difficult to put out. Some climates is able especially hard in the foil. Areas close to salted water facilities like the sea are a higher risk zones by the salt in the humidity in the air from the foam that the water on a form him aerosol-strolls like fog which dissolves in the humid air. Climates that humidity or temperature to hot areas are high can be also hard on film.

The film on DVD transfer technology which we have, at the possession, around ourselves now better than ever before. We are able to do a level of the image quality with more than the double of the resolution of the VHS transference like before as the last 5 years were made. Did you know that many enterprises still transfer film with VHS quality, also even today? In addition, we have the possibility, home films on DVD, DVD gold and a digital videotape master which are used, around them can place on future technologies without preserving to lose any quality.

Do you still have the old home videos which were transferred video more than 5 years ago? Download full movie from "USA" now

Many of our customers had transferred her 8 mm, Super8 or 16mm-films on VHS more than 5 years ago. We have to find out that, while they transfer her films, around digital videos, they notice, a dramatic improvement in the quality of the picture. Why is this thus?

The image quality of the video is often valued concerning the number of the horizontal lines, from which to themselves the picture for every Frame from. In case of VHS, the picture has only 240 lines picture resolution. Our topical film transfer process offers more than twice as high resolution and a lot of clearer picture than the present transference. And we put them on a digital Mast-around DVD without the quality to loss of VHS.
Advantages of a backup DVD copy

We know how easily Discs can be scratched and are damaged, sometimes even mistakenly fall them on the ground. So we have the 2nd sentence of DVDs which cannot be stored nearby at a sure place to recommend always. If one of your Discs should be played about the ability be damaged, then you are able to do an other copy for a fraction of the costs from under your videos once again to transfer, provided, you still have to them. She could be able to save many victims of the forest fires in California rotated which have lost her precious recollections if she had put a backup DVD, in an out of vision site safe or alternative location.
Am I able to do my own DVD copies?

They maybe surprise whether it possibly, own DVD copies of the Disc we make to you. Yes, you are able. But before you do this, you can read our DVD FAQ page to learn about the precautions and consequences.

Preservation Special memo ream

I remember when I grew up, our family was several roles 8 mm of film Film which I uses to observe thread by our projector and. There were many special recollections also in Christmas time in the house, which I grown up in. My poor father, he received so many "nastily" connections, but he always smiled anyway. Then there were the different holidays they took, Yellowstone, Flintstone becomes a village, and numerous camping and hinge tours. There I was the latest, there were not so many films with me in them, however, them were still to be observed fun.

A few years ago I came with this miraculous idea. Would not be it great to transfer these valuable recollections on DVD and to them for every member of my family as a Christmas present? I am sure, they have not observed each of these films in probably to more than 20 years. She would think that after the transference of hundred thousands of feet of 8 mm and 16 mm of films of other people, during the last 10 years, I wanted this before would act. Well, the truth is, I waited for the right time when I could reach the best possible quality of the transference and in the situation be to put into archives you them on a digital medium to download new Serials NOW. Our enterprise offers since the digital master draught for more than 7 years, but it was only a few years ago that I was able, the best method for the transference of my films on video. I am also glad, that be able I to be able to be received the special moments on DVD for future generations of my family to enjoy. I am very gladly be able to offer this quality of the handing over to our respected customers.

While I my family transfer heirlooms, I discovered how badly the film has made worse. I do not have myself remind, she looks in this manner. I must admit, I was very contented as she has gone out. Some of them better got by than on the real film saw. Some of the objects had become yellow in the film which knows earlier once. But after the transference to video, they turned white again. To me was not clear that the transference some of them would become actual the picture better look than it on the film. Unfortunately, most of the admissions could not be improved, but it was nice, that some from her become big. My family was inspired to receive the DVD. The best present, which I can one day have been to them.

One never knows if a disaster happens,

During the last 6 years there were many different kinds of the natural disasters which have happened around the world of hurricanes forest fires. In autumn, 2003 and in 2007, to forest fires destroys thousands of houses in South California and the victims lost most of her possessions. If the media many of the victims, one of the most often expressed sensations were interviewed the grief to lose, her valuable recollections on photos, films grasps, and videos. Some were grateful that they were able, these elements call away, before to evacuate them, during other not so happily.

After thus both big forest fires, in the San Diego during the last 4 years came to close, the meaning of the preservation him has these recollections to a clearly higher value in our life. This is the reason for the fact that Sunray video has dramatically increased our efforts to help others preservation and the protection of her valuable recollections. Some years ago we download Law Abiding Citizen movie of a digital master tape for archiving films. The digital videotape could master at a sure place on or away from the houses of the people (as with a safe deposit are kept, should happen, for example) for the case something, around her DVDs or video tapes, how a fire.

We have another method for the preservation of the films and videotapes, DVDs recently has Archival gold. The summer cottages are everybody to the last at least 100 years. For further information about the gold Archival film vidio DVD you find in the Archival gold DVD segment further below.